Sorry for the short notice, but this is urgent and we only 
found out about it an hour ago. Something's gone wrong with 
the data processing system in Nocturn and you need to go in 
and fix it, then get the system booted back up. We tried to 
fix it remotely but couldn't get a connection established, so 
there's no choice but to go in person to see what's going on.

I've acquisitioned three magtrains and have set them to drop 
you off at the station nearest the warehouse. I didn't have 
time to install the security cards, though, so you'll have to 
track them down and install them into each of the magtrains' 
engines before you'll be allowed to arrive in Nocturn.

I know you guys don't mind a little rain, but the forecast 
says it'll be pretty drizzly when you show up so you're all 
getting umbrellas. Up to you if you use them or not.

You'll arrive in the middle of the night, so everything will 
probably be locked down. You should be able to handle it 
though, just get to the building and get this resolved. 
It'll be a couple of days before we can get the magtrains 
cleared for departure again, so you'll have plenty of time 
to unwind after you're done with the job.

Map by Togra

Thanks to Exastorm for translation help and 
die^pro^ent^pbl^[time][lol] and the Feckin Mad 
community for testing

Various third party assets were used, they are credited below

poke646.wad, vendetta.wad

  From Poke646 and Poke646: Vendetta,

submerged.wad, submerged_addons.wad

  By Philip Klevestav aka Blazeer,
  PK01, PK02 and Ancient Collection Texture packages by 
  Philip Klevestav are licensed under a 
  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

nw.wad, nw_xeno.wad

  Half-Life: Nightwatch - Textures

  Textures by:
  Adam Foster, Henning Horstmann, Mohammad Alavi, 
  Tomislav Spejic, and Tom DiLazaro. One additional 
  texture by Cayle George.

  Includes additional textures created from bases by and/or 
  originally authored by Randy Reddig and Kevin Roberts.

  All textures are the property of their authors.

  You may use and re-distribute these textures for any 
  non-commercial purpose, provided you include credit to 
  the original authors (please copy from the list above) 
  and the Nightwatch team. 

  Special thanks to everyone who ever worked on Nightwatch 
  possible, and everyone who supported it. Please forgive 
  me for not seeing to it that these were released sooner.


  Andrew Weldon

nocturn_nightocean2 skybox (Originally NightOcean2)

  Made by DeviLMaqqeR*

trainengine.wav (Originally 462936__uni000__caverumble1.wav)

  Made by Uni000 as "CaveRumble1", under the
  "Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)" License and
  downloaded from at the following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel instead of stereo
  and downmixed to 16-bit and 22khz, also increased volume

  The author of "CaveRumble1" does not endorse my use of
  "CaveRumble1" and disclaims all warranties

shield.wav (Originally 452768__euphrosyyn__scifi-generator-lp.wav)

  Made by Euphrosyyn under the "CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)"
  license and downloaded from at the 
  following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel and downmixed to 
  16-bit and 22khz, also increased volume

  The author of "Scifi_Generator_Lp" does not endorse my use 
  of "Scifi_Generator_Lp" and disclaims all warranties

city_ambience01.wav (Originally 473698__joao-janz__city-noise-inside-apartment.wav)

  Made by Joao_Janz as "City Noise Inside Apartment", under the 
  "Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)" License and
  downloaded from at the following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel instead of stereo 
  and downmixed to 16-bit and 22khz, also increased volume

  The author of "City Noise Inside Apartment" does not endorse my use 
  of "City Noise Inside Apartment" and disclaims all warranties

city_ambience02.wav (Originally 222810__diboz__bladerunnercrib.ogg)

  Made by Diboz as "BladeRunnerCrib.ogg", under the 
  "Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported" License and 
  downloaded from at the following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel instead of stereo 
  and downmixed to 16-bit and 22khz, also increased volume.

  The author of "BladeRunnerCrib.ogg" does not endorse my use 
  of "BladeRunnerCrib.ogg" and disclaims all warranties

city_rain.wav (Originally 398593__dominik-w__rain-strong-city-street-distant-traffic.wav)

  Made by Dominik_W under the "CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)"
  license and downloaded from at the 
  following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel and downmixed to 
  16-bit and 22khz

  The author of "Rain (strong), city, street, distant traffic" does 
  not endorse my use of "Rain (strong), city, street, distant 
  traffic" and disclaims all warranties

music01.wav (Originally 423967__soundflakes__crossing-horizon.mp3)

  Made by SoundFlakes as "Crossing Horizon.mp3", under the 
  "Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)" License and
  downloaded from at the following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel instead of stereo 
  and downmixed to 16-bit and 22khz

  The author of "Crossing Horizon.mp3" does not endorse my use 
  of "Crossing Horizon.mp3" and disclaims all warranties

music02.wav (Originally 519430__quetzalcontla__cyberpunk-short-intro.wav)

  Made by quetzalcontla as "Cyberpunk short intro", under the 
  "Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)" License and
  downloaded from at the following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel instead of stereo 
  and downmixed to 22khz

  The author of "Cyberpunk short intro" does not endorse my use 
  of "Cyberpunk short intro" and disclaims all warranties

music03.wav (Originally Dark Dramatic Atmospheric Soundscape.mp3)

  Made by SoundFlakes as "Dark Dramatic Atmospheric Soundscape.mp3", 
  under the "Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)" License and
  downloaded from at the following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel instead of stereo 
  and downmixed to 16-bit and 22khz, also increase volume.

  The author of "Dark Dramatic Atmospheric Soundscape.mp3" 
  does not endorse my use of "Dark Dramatic Atmospheric 
  Soundscape.mp3" and disclaims all warranties

music04.wav (Originally 508004__rokzroom__otherworlds-2.wav)

  Made by Ronak Raval / RAME / RokZRooM ( / 
  as "OtherWorlds 2", under the "Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)" 
  License and downloaded from at the following link

  The file was modified to be mono-channel instead of stereo 
  and downmixed to 22khz, also increase volume.

  The author of "OtherWorlds 2" does not endorse my use of 
  "OtherWorlds 2" and disclaims all warranties