======================================================================================== mesa_facility (PART 1) ======================================================================================== Made by: kNaPPeN^ & die^pro^ent (Alias Ossy) FINAL Release date: (13/02/2022) || First alpha release - (12/01/2022) Eeach custom sprite/model/sound credit goes to their respective creator. ======================================================================================== RECOMMENDATIONS ======================================================================================== Minimum amount of player to beat the map [4] TIP: Be VERY AWARE of your surroundings, what may seem just details can also sometimes hint what's happening around you. (Signs, Envrioment, Equipment, ecc). TIP: Work together, Some puzzles may require coordination and teamwork, and try to find a few easter eggs here and there ;) ======================================================================================== STORY ======================================================================================== "Ever since I overheard some whitecoats the other day talking about the insertion of the Xen crystal sample "GG-3883", that we recovered into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, I have been unable to get a good nights sleep. ...just cannot explain it. A lingering sense of impending doom is perhaps the closest thing I can describe it as. They said that the testing should happen any day now.. I don't know, something does not feel right. What do we even know about this thing? Apparently Freeman is the one performing the insertion, figures. Ever since he came down to Black Mesa he has been getting all of the assignments. Somebody high up must like him, never seen this kind of rise in ranks before. Anyway, I hope they know what they are doing. The last thing I need is to try to escape this place. We barely get access around here as it is.. God knows I really need a vacation right about now. I better get some rest.. Something tells me that tomorrow is gonna be a long day at work.. ======================================================================================== SPECIAL THANKS ======================================================================================== A very big thank you to: rSnake, Togra for the great mapping advice. Ossarium's friend for third party help! And the ENTIRE [FM] community!