Title: Lost Atoll - Part 2 Description: After bypassing a deadly security system and draining a flooded cafeteria, you find yourselves in the sewage system of this sprawling underground complex. The stench is overwhelming, but remaining in the bowels of this place would only mean certain death. You must find a way to climb out of the cavernous pit before you if there is to be any hope of survival. Date: June, 2020 Filename: lost_atoll_xn_part01.bsp lost_atoll_xn_part02.bsp (this map) lost_atoll_xn_part03.bsp Author: Michael Kuzel Email Address: mike@michaelkuzel.com Additional Credits: Phoenix, for helping me alpha test this thing before subjecting the rest of our group to it. The Gang: Toast, SiberX, Cent, Indiana, and Ace7 for playing practically the entire repository of escape maps available for TFC together as a group over several years: it helped push me to create my own map. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Play Information * Deathmatch: No Teamplay: Yes Players required: Two, but more can be helpful New sounds: Yes New graphics: Yes New music: No Secrets: Yes, find all six hidden buttons to reveal a 6-digit code needed to access an extra challenge! * Installation * Unzip into your half-life/tfc directory. * Construction * Base: None Build Time: About a month and a half of design and mapping, then about two weeks of alpha and beta testing. Compile Time: About ~5 minutes in total for all three maps on an i5 4670k Editor(s) used: Worldcraft 3.5 Wally Known issues: Map supports up to 8 players at once without causing spawn issues Flashlight is not necessary but can be helpful! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Hints: check only if you're stuck so as to not spoil yourself! * Sewage pit: Despite the quality of the water, this is the perfect time for some surfing. That ventilation duct could help ease the pain of failure, but you'll have to be a fan of jumping. Or perhaps a jumping fan? Waste processing: Not every roller needs to be used on the way to the key. Despite rotating, the rollers are surprisingly easy to stand on. Those fuseboxes look fragile: they keep a door closed, and you from falling. Jump as soon as you land on a roller when starting your way back up. More in part 3! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Credits * Map design and construction by Michael Kuzel. Skybox by "The Chayed/KIIRA". =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * Distribution * Feel free to upload this anywhere you like, or even host it yourself, but do not modify the archive contents in any way. Skybox texture can be reused, but please credit "The Chayed/KIIRA" if you do. This map is distributed and free to use for non-commercial purposes.