A team-based puzzle map, which also happens to be my first escape map ever. All puzzles are self-explaining, but might take some time to understand. Don't be frustrated if you and your team fail once or twice, some of the puzzles are quite challenging. Look out for some secrets ;) There are 10 Levels in total, from easy to hard. Have fun, good luck!! Thanks to all people who played and liked my other maps and therefore inspired me to create this one! Special thanks to Nyro for being such a great help and pushed me to continue making this map. He also made the Hawaii song :) Visit: http://fm.myklol.net/ Map by N.O.L.F. (09.24.2011) Betatesters: Nyro Dougie RADIANCE Sim Soda rSnake teh ORiON Tommi Bolleh n3c Demon# Rainman bibbby nerdlike hlstriker and anyone I forgot...