Smurf Escape Made by Headz aka AiR-Research Models by Fishy Big ups to Fishy for making some great models that enabled me to make the map have that super polished feel, and also making the boulder cus mine had damn hom effect:) Thx to all the main Beta testers in alphabetical order:- DeliDomemon, EE.headcrab JP, ooOOoOleths the bad boy Uly , Naughty Netty .Netdisruptor. ,Sparko Cru *geez* Sparkie And all the other testers in irc #croodlabs on gamesurge Also big thx to Sparkie for compiling the map with his monster comp, (I owe you a bacon danePaK Sarnie mate=) ) -Enjoy- for all your TFC skillz needs for the great fun servers that play my maps:)