======================================================= Nightmare 3 a Half-Life Deathmatch Experience by DocRock ======================================================= Map Name: nightmare3 Release date: Oct 15, 2018 Author: DocRock Author email: docrock10@hotmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doc.rock.988 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/docrock_creations Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUzP05HJf5Qc_JbGGw2bX_w/featured?view_as=public ======================================================= LEVEL DESCRIPTION: Map description: A Half-Life deathmatch map in a haunted graveyard. wadincluded in map: nightmare3.wad, decals.wad Haunted house based on a concept drawing and model by Sam Laister https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GArGW Crypt beneath the haunted house based on a drawing by Glen Spencer https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qXYmn Crypt with the magician model based on a drawing by Su Wang https://www.artstation.com/artwork/kWe5z Crypt with the model hanging from the ceiling is by DocRock based on all of these other drawings. ======================================================= CONSTRUCTION: editor used: Hammer 3.5.2 utilities used: Vluzacn's 64 bit compile tools Paintshop Wally Half-Life model viewer Goldwave compile machine: Windows 10 Shuttle R8 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K 4.20 Ghz 64.0 GB RAM Quadro GeForce compile time: 10 minutes ======================================================= INSTALLATION: 1. Run Winrar and unzip nightmare3.zip 2. Open the nightmare3 maps folder and place the nightmare3.bsp, nightmare3.res, and nightmare3.txt in your valve/maps folder. 3. Open the nightmare3 sound folder and put the nite3 sound folder in your valve/sound folder. 4. Open the nightmare3 models folder and place the nite3 models folder inside your valve/models folder. 5. Open the nightmare3 sprites folder and place the nite3 sprite folder inside your valve/sprites folder. 6. Open the nightmare3 player models folder and place these folders in your valve/models/player folder. hiney_weeny, spookboy, trumpensein and whata ======================================================= Thanks to following artists for their texture work: acquired from various sources on the web including Deviant Art. sharandra d6wrvq8 worn concrete texture poprostubono podniszczone_sciana texture hhh316-d4gc9i4 dry mud tecture hhh316-d4iz9l6 eroded metal texture agf81 stone block texture 54_damask wallpaper texture 10_by_agf81 concrete texture agf81 wall texture Thanks to the following artists for their sound work: acquired from freesound.org brainclaim baby crying scorpion67890 mutant littlerobotsoundfactory gate docone42 laughter tyops squeak assorted sounds from the album 100 Halloween Sound Effects by Halloween Fx Labs ======================================================= SPECIAL THANKS: CreepItAll for the custom sprites and custom player models. Sandman for the creepybaby model. Other models found on the goldsource warehouse. To my babykitkat, my lover, my sweetheart, my wife. I love you!! My #1 fan, thanks baby for playtesting and helping me with this awesome map! I DEDICATE THIS TO YOU!