dub_snipe -=Dub Snipe=- This is the sniper version of dub_forever, which is a remake of the Original FOrever2... If you never played it, check it out... With out it... this map wouldnt exist. Thanks to: Shadetree - Server use (Shadetrees Test Server) for the betas and your ideas... Finder - Server use (OGABS) and your ideas... The Testers- Raven, ArticWolfDemon, goo_2, Silver Bullet, =-]2-KraZy[-= members, and anyone else, you know who you are Special Thanks to - John "OverClocked" without his Orginal Forevers we wouldnt be fraggin here now... Need the Info - You know how it works Kill the enemy team using the sniper rifle. Please do not alter, change, adjust, modify, etc, etc, this map and text in anyway shape or form with out "Verbal" approval from I... Dub-Style. Contact Dub at RavenScim@aol.com for any Q&A or other map suggestion for future projects... Thanks again and Frag On!!!