Half-Life - Counter Strike - DE_HEAT.BSP released on 2000-10-09 ===================================================================== Title : Tropical Heat v1.01 Filename : de_heat.bsp Author Info : [MoCo], also known as [Hijack]MoCo Email Address : moco2k@gmx.net WWW-URL : http://www.moco2k.de : http://www.hijackcrew.de my ICQ# : 78238287 Misc. Author Info : In past, I used to build maps for Duke3d and Shadow Warrior. Now this is my 4th released map expecially designed for Counter Strike. Description : The Map takes place in some kind of an old arabian city. There are 2 bom targets. So it's a complex map, that offers many ways of tactical gameplay. Changes in v1.01 : spawning errors fixed, less crates, a few little changes ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : UserMap (Counter-Strike, bomb defusion) Single Player : don't make sense (only to check it out) Multi Player : Yes, support for up to 20 players at all (10 for each team) Requirements : I think it'll work with at least beta6.0, but it's only tested on 7.0. Just get the latest beta of CS and you're fine * Construction * Base : New level from scratch New art, sounds : yes... thx to Daler Mehndi for the sound ;-) thx to the cs-texture-artists Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 3.3 Known Bugs : - for critic and suggestions write me: moco2k@gmx.net * Sites to have a look at * - http://www.moco2k.de (so this is my site where you'll find my maps) - http://www.hijackcrew.de (the best CS-Clan ever ;-) - www.counter-strike.net (Counter-Strike - official site, here you can get CS) - www.counter-strike.de (great german cs-site: here you find anything: maps, skins, models, fun, map-reviews, cartoons, forums, here you will find all my released maps too... :-) - www.mapcore.com (official cs-mapping-site with many tutorials) - www.fileplanet.com (to get other useful things about Half-Life) have fun at all